From the 18th to the 20th of August we were in Bhadrapur, Jhapa for a Womens Reproductive Health Camp. The camp was the final camp of 16 held in various locations all over Nepal for the past 6 months. All of the camps have been staffed by a dedicated team of 8 - 10 doctors, nurses, pharmacists, and gynacologists.
Approximately 300 women attended the camp in Jhapa. During the camp the women received free advice, examinations and treatment. Many were suffering from STIs or prolapsed uterus (more on this later), others sought advice on infertility, while some had tumours or other problems. The women that need surgery are referred to hospital for free treatment.
The women come to the camp due to pains/problems - many have never visited a doctor before. The camps are organised in co-ordiantion with the local community. Camp locations are decided as a result of requests, demand and recommendations. The local womens groups promote the camp to locals, and help to organise the site, and provide food/accomodation (if possible) to the medical team.
Education is also an important element of the camp with documentaries screened for the waiting women, and brochures distributed. These cover a range of topics including nutrition, family planning, STIs, HIV/AIDs, pregnancy and infant care.
It was great to be a part of the camp and to witness the need for the camp, and the quick and efficient treatment it offers to the women in need.