Dasain festivities in Nepal take place for a good week, at the start of October. At the end of the month is Tehar (brothers and sisters festival) so some lucky people, especially those that have traveled a long way home will take a month of holidays during this time. During dasain families come together and like christmas eat and drink a lot. Different castes have special dishes that they eat at this time, in particular everyone eats a lot of meat. Many goats are sacrificed
Every family will have one or multiple tikka ceremonies throughout dasain, with the elder members of the family giving a tikka or blessing to the younger members of the family. Commonly this involves the grandmother going to the local temple and receiving a tikka from the local holy men, they will then return home and offer a tikka to the remaining family members. A tikka is a mixture of yoghurt, rice and sindur (red powder) and it is a symbol of a blessing from the gods. It is placed onto the forehead, and can range in size and thickness. During dasain multiple blessings can be offered during the day from various family members (i.e. brother to brother, aunt to nephew) so entire foreheads are covered in the red tikka paste. The tikka is representative of an all seeing, all knowing 3rd eye and it is a sign of protection for those who wear it. A mantra is chanted during the ceremony.
Tikka ceremony |
Ben receiving tikka blessing |
Visiting friends during dasain |
Kamala's extended family after tikka ceremony |
During the tikka ceremony fruit and money is given to the tikka recipient to symbolise a healthy and wealthy future. Barley is also given to the recipient as a symbol of a a plentiful harvest. Overall dasain is a time to celebrate the victory of good over evil.
All over the country there a temporary tents raised with shrines to the godess Durga (who was victorious over evil forces), even in the small villages. Bamboo swings are also visible everywhere, with brave young men climbing up the bamboo poles to secure the swing. Swinging during dasain is said to take away any ill feelings.
Bamboo swing - will remain standing for the month |
A teasing glimpse of the Himalayas - its been
too cloudy for a good view till now |
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